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Biocontrol agents against Brettanomyces
Publiée le 12/03/2019 16:55
Chemical inputs decrease and global warming (pH increase) are leading to less protected wines/musts. Contaminants, such as Brettanomyces, could thus be an issue and the use of selected wine bacteria can be a naturel alternative.
Restarting stuck malolactic fermentation
Publiée le 15/04/2018 23:33
Microbiology Vinification process
Lallemand Oenology has developed a fast protocol to restart stuck malolactic fermentation for white, rosé and red wines. With only 3 steps, it is an easy and efficient protocol using a specific cells wells RESKUE to detixify the wine, a suited bacteria nutrient ML REDBOOSt and the efficient selected bacteria LALVIN VP41 MBR .
Wine making guideline : New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc
Publiée le 11/04/2018 11:50
The making of Sauvignon Blanc requires careful attention to aroma development, whilst maintaining acid balance and aromatic longevity. The use of specific quality driven winemaking products contributes to the making of Premium Sauvignon Blanc.
Champagne, di nuovo record delle vendite
Publiée le 03/04/2018 11:57
Le vendite di Champagne hanno raggiunto nel 2017 il valore record di 4,9 miliari di euro. Motore del primato sono stati gli ottimi risultati delle esportazioni, in crescita del 6,6% sul 2016 fino a 2,8 miliardi di euro, visto che il mercato interno è rimasto stabile, totalizzando un fatturato di circa 2,1 miliardi.
Bioprotezione per ridurre le solfitazioni
Publiée le 29/03/2018 11:29
Microbiology Stabilisation & Bottling
Bioprotezione per ridurre le solfitazioni
Prove in macerazione prefermentativa a freddo e durante la raccolta delle uve

L’anidride solforosa è divenuta un coadiuvante tecnologico di largo utilizzo grazie ai suoi vantaggi nel settore enologico poiché i suoi benefici sono cruciali sia in termini di controllo microbiologico che di prevenzione dei fenomeni di ossidazione.
Wine bacteria to control Volatile Phenols and Brettanomyces
Publiée le 16/03/2018 15:01
Sensory analysis Microbiology
From the vineyard to the bottle, every step of winemaking impacts the quality in the wine. Climate change also affects the quality of grapes, especially the sugar levels and pH, and, consequently, winemaking conditions must adapt. The increase in sugar levels and pH also influence the micro-organisms present on the grapes and, of course, the yeast and bacteria populations.
Restarting stuck alcoholic fermentation : a simple, efficient protocol
Publiée le 13/03/2018 13:25
Enological Consulting Microbiology Vinification process
Problems with alcoholic fermentation can be avoided by taking preventative measures as part of good alcoholic fermentation management. These measures include choosing an appropriate yeast; following the rehydration protocol; using yeast protector; sensible, balanced management of yeast nutrition; oxygen and temperature management, etc... However, unexpected factors can cause fermentation hitches. The problem must be identified and tackled to avoid disastrous consequences for wine.