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Contrer les mécanismes d’oxydation, préserver la qualité de la couleur et des arômes : PURE LEES™ LONGEVITY, la levure inactivée spécifique pour protéger vos vins
Publiée le 25/11/2020 10:49
Innovation Sensory analysis Enological Consulting Microbiology Stabilisation & Bottling
Issus de biomasses de levures, les produits dérivés de levure (levures inactivées, autolysats de levures, écorces de levures, extraits protéiques de levures, mannoprotéines) peuvent s’intégrer à chaque étape des itinéraires de vos vinifications et favoriser l’élaboration de vins de grande qualité. Illustration avec PURE LEES™ LONGEVITY dans la dernière Lettre d'Info "Au gré du vin"n°28.
An original and new specific inactivated yeast to improve the oxidative stability of white and rosé wines
Publiée le 23/09/2020 07:55
Microbiology Stabilisation & Bottling
This paper presents a research work carried out in collaboration with the University of Burgundy, which has highlighted the impact of a new specific inactivated yeast developed for the protection of musts and wines against oxidation.

This results from the application of an optimized production process to a unique strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast to maximize the biosynthesis and accumulation of intracellular glutathione and other compounds of interest.

Non-targeted metabolomic char...
A new generation of wine yeasts that helps to manage undesirable sulfur compounds in wines
Publiée le 18/02/2020 12:25
Microbiology Stabilisation & Bottling
In a collaborative study conducted with the ICV Group, Montpellier Supagro and the INRA Montpellier (through a PhD focusing on the genetic basis of sulfur production by yeast to identify the molecular determinants involved in the yeast’s SO₂ metabolism, carried out in 2011 by Jessica Noble with Bruno Blondin, from the INRA Montpellier as PhD supervisor), Lallemand Oenology identified, through an innovative QTL approach, the molecular basis of SO₂ production in yeast to eventually be able to re...
The oxidative stability of white and rosé wines
Publiée le 11/02/2020 09:33
Stabilisation & Bottling
The magazine Wineland published in November 2019 an article in which is presented the research work Lallemand Oenology carried out in collaboration with the University of Burgundy. This article has highligthed he impact of a new specific inactivated yeast developed for the protection of musts and wines against oxidation.
How to avoid the production of sulfur off flavors in red grape varieties with high reduction potential
Publiée le 19/07/2019 13:59
Viticulture Sensory analysis Stabilisation & Bottling
Some red grape varieties, such as Shiraz, Pinot noir, Merlot or Tempranillo, have a certain trend to express sulfur off flavors and reduction characteristics. These characteristics mask the red fruit aromas and thus have a negative impact on wine.
To tackle this issue and bring a new solution to winemakers, Lallemand Oenology, Montpellier SupAgro and INRA Montpellier have collaborated and designed an innovative selection technique for yeast.
GLUTASTAR™ - The king of natural antioxidants
Publiée le 13/06/2019 16:26
Innovation Sustainable development Stabilisation & Bottling
Protection of rosé and white musts against oxidation at the earliest stage of the winemaking process is key to prevent browing and loss of aromas in wine. The addition of inactivated dry yeasts (IDY) containing glutathione is now well known from the winemakers as a tool to limit oxidation phenomena in musts and wines. GLUTASTAR™ is a new specific inactivated yeast with guaranteed glutathione level offering more benefits to the wine than protection against oxidation only.
Optimisation des sulfites : un nouvel outil pour les vins rosés et rouges
Publiée le 29/04/2019 10:52
Innovation Stabilisation & Bottling
L’acétaldéhyde correspond à 50 % du SO2 lié dans les vins rouges. Moins ce composé est présent dans un vin, plus le SO2 ajouté va être efficace. La nouvelle génération de levures très faiblement productrices de SO2, composés soufrés négatifs et acétaldéhyde constitue donc un atout indéniable pour stabiliser son vin en ajoutant des teneurs plus modérées en sulfites. Découvrez la dernière sélection de levure issue de cette méthode brevetée : Vitilevure Sensation.