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Publiée le 19/06/2019 11:51
Innovation Vinification process
In winemaking, wine enzymes are used as accelerators as they speed up the natural reactions in wines that would otherwise occur more slowly. For most enzymes, the addition to grapes in the press as early as possible helps to extract aroma precursors, reduce the duration of maceration and increase juice yield.
For this new season, we are proud to announce the launching of our new high performance liquid pectolytic enzyme for pressing: LALLZYME HP™
GLUTASTAR™ - The king of natural antioxidants
Publiée le 13/06/2019 16:26
Innovation Sustainable development Stabilisation & Bottling
Protection of rosé and white musts against oxidation at the earliest stage of the winemaking process is key to prevent browing and loss of aromas in wine. The addition of inactivated dry yeasts (IDY) containing glutathione is now well known from the winemakers as a tool to limit oxidation phenomena in musts and wines. GLUTASTAR™ is a new specific inactivated yeast with guaranteed glutathione level offering more benefits to the wine than protection against oxidation only.
Optimisation des sulfites : un nouvel outil pour les vins rosés et rouges
Publiée le 29/04/2019 10:52
Innovation Stabilisation & Bottling
L’acétaldéhyde correspond à 50 % du SO2 lié dans les vins rouges. Moins ce composé est présent dans un vin, plus le SO2 ajouté va être efficace. La nouvelle génération de levures très faiblement productrices de SO2, composés soufrés négatifs et acétaldéhyde constitue donc un atout indéniable pour stabiliser son vin en ajoutant des teneurs plus modérées en sulfites. Découvrez la dernière sélection de levure issue de cette méthode brevetée : Vitilevure Sensation.
Lalvin® SILKA : une bactérie œnologique sélectionnée pour la fermentation malolactique sous bois
Publiée le 02/08/2018 18:36
Innovation Microbiology
Bactérie œnologique isolée en 2006 dans le vignoble espagnol de La Rioja, en collaboration avec l’Institut des Sciences de la Vie et du Vin, LALVIN® SILKA apporte au vin des propriétés sensorielles uniques. Parfaitement adaptée à la conduite de la fermentation malolactique en contact avec du bois, elle montre une meilleure intégration du boisé, une structure élégante et plus de fraîcheur aromatique.
Champagne, di nuovo record delle vendite
Publiée le 03/04/2018 11:57
Le vendite di Champagne hanno raggiunto nel 2017 il valore record di 4,9 miliari di euro. Motore del primato sono stati gli ottimi risultati delle esportazioni, in crescita del 6,6% sul 2016 fino a 2,8 miliardi di euro, visto che il mercato interno è rimasto stabile, totalizzando un fatturato di circa 2,1 miliardi.
News and Innovation in wine bacteria : the MBR process
Publiée le 13/02/2018 17:20
Innovation Microbiology
Selected wine bacteria must be efficient as soon as they enter the must or wine to complete malolactic fermentation. It means that they must survive and grow in the must or wines to rapidly convert malic acid into lactic acid, as well as contribute to the wine sensory profile. In order to achieve this goal and based on our strong expertise in bacteria production, we developed a specific bacteria production process called « MBR™ process ».
Bactiless : Reducing the Risk of Bacterial Contamination
Publiée le 02/11/2017 12:07
Innovation Hygiene & disinfection Enological Consulting Microbiology
Bacterial spoilage remains a common problem in wine, especially with risks associated with climate change (higher pH) and a perfectly reasonable desire to reduce sulphite levels in wine. Standard control methods are often insufficient to eliminate risks without having disadvantages in return. Bactiless™ is a new solution offering many advantages.